Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1st attempt - Thing 1

Okay so I am blogging for the first time in my life and I do not know if this is even working. It is for a class I am taking but I also think it will be beneficial to learn. I am also doing this while I am on vacation! Today we were at the south rim of the Grand Canyon. What spectacular views we saw! When I learn how to add pictures maybe I can share them. We had a great time but a very long day so I am signing off for the day.
So, now I am editing because I have figured out I was not totally correct in completing my assignments.  After reading 71/2 habits , which I totally believe, I think the most challenging  for me will be to stay up with the required assignments (habit 6) as they progress to more difficult levels.  The easiest  ( ha) will be the play (habit 71/2)....after all it is summer.  And the most important is accepting responsibility (habit 2) for my learning  and teaching others(habit 7).  After all, that is my chosen profession.  I can relate to the tenets of the 71/2 practices because when I was about to turn 50 I felt that I needed to learn something new. I made a list of 50 things I could learn or do that I had  never tried before.  I gave myself permission to "try" it and if it was not what I expected I moved on to the next item.  But I had at least tried it.  It was actually a lot of fun to try the different things and I did learn some new things along the way. 


  1. Wow - that's true commitment! Blogging at the Grand Canyon! I look forward to reading about your learning journey as you progress through the 23 Things. Welcome!!!

  2. I'm glad that "playing" is the easiest habit for you because that's what 23 Things is all about. We are playing to learn!
