Monday, July 19, 2010

One Last Thing

Thank You!  When I signed up for this as a favor for a friend, I thought, " Why not?  I need to update myself on some computer info."  Ha! If I had only known ( maybe not because then I may have not signed up).  When I saw the 23 list of things I began to wonder what I had signed up for.  At the beginning, I thought about dropping out, more because I would get frustrated with myself when things didn't work out. But I am not a quitter.   I thought that there should have been more help available.  BUT then I would tell myself, this is by is so I can begin to explore what is available to me.  Slowly, I did begin to do that and I realized something at the end.  I wrote about in the beginning how I was afraid to push any buttons because I did not know what would happen.  I found out through this class that it is through pushing those buttons that I am learning.  Much like in life, by pushing ourselves we begin to open our minds more.  While it was frustrating and brain overload at times, I do think this class is well worth taking and set up well.  You have given me a wealth of information and I am looking forward to implementing some of these techniques when school starts. I have taken wiki classes before but in short demonstrations and I walked away more confused than when I walked in.  I feel like I know what I am doing now, or at least enough, to get started...which is always the first step.  I may turn my blog into a travel blog now and share my travels with friends & families. last thing...the Adventures are only beginning.


  1. Congratulations on finishing the 23 Things! I am so proud of you and all that you have learned. Before this class started, would you have been talking about having a wiki and embedding video??? You've done a great job and I can't wait to see what you do with what you have learned. Good for you!!!

  2. Before this class I wanted to make a page for my students but didn't know where to start or how to start. Today I have the page. Thanks again!
